Monday, October 5, 2009

Raptors of the Rio Grande Gorge

This Golden Eagle nestling fledged prematurely. However, it still has a good chance of survival because of its large size, and because its parents will continue to provide care while it is on the ground.
Golden Eagles continue to add to existing nests for many years, eventually amassing a massive structure several feet tall and several feet wide.

There is a fissure, a crack of basalt that runs through north central New Mexico. In it lies a river, the hydrologic aorta of the state, the Rio Grande. Within this canyon nesting Golden Eagles thrive, along with Prairie Falcons, and Red-tailed Hawks. Commonly known as the Rio Grande Gorge, it contains some of the largest Golden Eagle nests that I have ever seen. Some of which attain heights nearing 10 feet, attesting to fact that Golden Eagles have been using these nest sites in the gorge for a very, very, long time.

Written by Ron Kellermueller, raptor biologist

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